USGS - science for a changing world

Kansas Water Science Center

Cowskin Creek Flood Watch

The Cowskin Creek flood of October 31, 1998 caused millions of dollars in damages in northwest Wichita, Kansas. This page was developed to help inform emergency management personnel and local citizens of potential flood hazards before, during and after they occur. Estimated flood-inundation maps are available here for flood heights of 17 to 23 feet based on the US Geological Survey’s streamflow gage at 119th Street (station number 07144480), which is used by the National Weather Service (NWS) as the flood forecast point. All of these maps can be viewed at any time and the map coinciding with the most current flood forecast will automatically be displayed when the NWS flood forecast is issued. There are also many links to helpful information from the National Weather Service, Federal and Local Emergency Management, and the U.S. Geological Survey.

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Any Questions/Comments about this page or Cowskin Creek Flooding:

Email: Craig Painter
Phone: 785-832-3541